Blooming Inspiration

From spring seedlings to fall hardy crops, we spent the season emersed and attentive to what our homestead has to offer. You see, rural New Brunswick has its perks, many of which we are beyond grateful to experience but this year in particular made us tune in to what our land is capable of and the mutual benefits between human and nature.

As much as we thrive inside the studio, alot of our early influences and sparked ideas come from outside the studio. Not far at all, in fact, steps away. This year we found ourselves with a bit of unexpected time on our hands and what we were able to accomplish made us rich with inspiration. The garden; a budding passion that over flows the cup. A not so surprising fact to be honest since our tie to nature and art is so apparent.

Kim, a seasoned gardener is head of the flower department. She has an eye for floral and she is damn good at it. Myself, alongside the lovely husand, are the novice veggie duo. Between the three of us, we've created something quite spectacular. Something we are all deeply proud of. But its not just about the ripe fruit and full bloom flowers. Just like the creative process in art, it was the magic that happened along the way that fueled us all. We create art in the form of ceramics, and prints, and jewelry, but our art is not confined to those products. It is art that we created in the gardens this year. It is art that fuels our body and mind through vegetables or mugs. And getting our hands a mess of clay or soil or ink is all the same.

Our studio stretches beyond the walls and flows into the garden; where we create and play and inspiration blooms.


October 28 2020


Keep Creating