New Flow

The New Year brings on more than a flip in the calendar. New ideas, new projects, new feelings, new flow. January gives a chance to catch up after the chaos and reevaluate our situations; set goals and actually follow through. Down time is essential to all creatives; or is that just us? As joyous as the holidays are and the weeks leading up to them, it is equally as draining. The new year allows us to rest, recharge and fill up that cup that was leaking from all sides. Make way for those ideas that have been warming on the back burner, cause baby, they are worth center stage. This year the intention is clear: recharge, explore, create, repeat. What will flow from the studio is to be determined throughout the following days, weeks, and months. What we create will be soulful, fun and who knows what else. Whats certain, is where you’ll find us.


January 8th 2020




Sharing Space